DUMo - Drivers Update Monitor

DUMo - 2.5.4 (Released 2016-04-30)


- 0003657: [New Feature] "debug" logging mode (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003656: [Bug] "UID" shall be generated before log init and licence check (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003655: [New Feature] DUMo shall log "uid" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.6 ( Released 2016-08-08 )


- 0003824: [Refactoring] Removal of local licence blacklist + licence revocation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003885: [New Feature] Ability to disable update check at startup (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003884: [New Feature] "Get update" menu item (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003866: [Refactoring] Upgrade of internal JEDI Libraries JCL v2.7 -> v2.8 (6000) JVCL v3.49 -> v3.50 (2016-08-04) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.6.1 (Released 2016-08-22)


- 0003903: [Bug] 'LastCheckedLicVersion' shall not be set for non registered users (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003897: [Bug] Error on checklicence URL (error 404, PHP crash,...) leads to valid licence check (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003890: [Refactoring] Encrypted "last licence check" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003918: [New Feature] Slovakian translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.7 (Released 2016-09-18)


- 0003284: [New Feature] Multithreaded drivers detection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0004004: [Refactoring] Simplification of temporary licence check file deletion (merger of branches) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003946: [New Feature] DUMo shall give an explicit error message on "INVALID" answer due to 0003941 (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003996: [Refactoring] Increased patch resillience to licence verification (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003991: [Refactoring] Updated "check-level" licence protection (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0003987: [New Feature] German translation (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.15.2 (Released 2018-05-13)

KC Softwares

0004909: [Refactoring] Updated French translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0004902: [Refactoring] When moving main window after load+check, the popup reappears at the wrong location (Kyle_Katarn)
Good stuff, although still reports my Logitech Brio driver out of date due to multiple drivers/devices from it.

Also notice Dumo hasn't been remembering the sort order for a while, so if I sort the out of date to the top (in this case just that camera), next restart it is back down at the bottom.
That's as per design but might need to be changed. Let's open another feature request for this :)
DUMo - 2.15.3 (Released 2018-05-26)

KC Softwares

0004938: [Bug] Language setting is not saved in Portable version (Kyle_Katarn)
0004916: [Refactoring] Updated Dutch translation (Kyle_Katarn)
DUMo - 2.16.1 (Released 2018-08-30)

KC Softwares

0004475: [Bug] When using a banned UID, DUMo attempts to close but fails. (Kyle_Katarn)
0005040: [Refactoring] OpenSSL 1.1.0h > 1.1.0i (Kyle_Katarn)
DUMo - 2.16.2 (Released 2018-10-14)

KC Softwares

0005133: [Bug] Crash when closing Portable version ran from a read only folder (eg : NAS,...) (Kyle_Katarn)
0005079: [Refactoring] Improved log management as per 0005071 (Kyle_Katarn)
DUMo - 2.16.3 (Released 2018-10-27)

KC Softwares

0005173: [Refactoring] DUMo shall not (auto)check while licence has not been checked (Kyle_Katarn)
0005178: [New Feature] Hungarian translation (Kyle_Katarn)
0005167: [Refactoring] Licence manager shall not accept "null name" de facto invalid licence (Kyle_Katarn)
0005171: [Refactoring] Updated German translation (Kyle_Katarn)

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Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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