DUMo - Drivers Update Monitor


OSNN Senior Addict
16 Oct 2003
Dear all,

I've just released the very first version of DUMo - Drivers Update Monitor

DUMo notifies users when updates are available for their hardware drivers.

Just like SUMo does for Software updates, DUMo uses a crowd-based algorithm in order to automatically maintain its server database up to date.

DUMo does not automatically install drivers because we consider that the end user has to be kept in the loop when it comes to system drivers modification. DUMo notifies update availability and provides links to find these drivers easily.


Web page : KC Softwares

Please post feedback or use this thread for any questions !
DUMo - 1.2 (Released 2014-04-08)

KC Softwares

- 0002474: [New Feature] Make main window sizeable (like SUMo) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002476: [New Feature] Sort by clicking on column header (like in SUMo) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
Gave it a go, but was sadly unable to find any of the drivers that it seemed to reference for Windows 8.1 x64, mostly Intel stuff - I guess that is a danger with drivers being updated for newer devices only.
Well I am pretty good at keeping them up to date :)

Intels own site is a mess and as I have to go via Asus site to figure out what I am even needing to install it didn't help.

I am just saying its risky because in the case of Windows 8.1, is it detecting drivers that might have higher versions but are built for Windows 7?
DUMo - 1.3 (Released 2014-04-25)

KC Softwares

- 0002501: [Bug] Items with no version number shall not be listed (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002509: [Bug] Server fails on "empty" item (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 1.4 (Released 2014-08-10)

KC Softwares

- 0002515: [New Feature] Proxy support (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002562: [New Feature] Dumo does not work via Proxy (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 1.5 (Released 2014-08-25)

KC Softwares

- 0002500: [New Feature] Save window position (cf SUMo) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002593: [New Feature] Autoscan at startup (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 1.6 (Released 2014-11-30)

KC Softwares

- 0002658: [New Feature] "Upgrade hardware" button on upper ribbon (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002594: [Refactoring] High resolution icon (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.0.2 (Released 2015-06-10)


- 0002692: [Bug] Server error (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002875: [Bug] Click on "download" does nothing (even with driver selected) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002874: [Refactoring] Snag screen shall not appear for the first 3 uses of the "Download" button (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002865: [New Feature] Automatic update of licence revocation file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.0.3 (Released 2015-06-20)


- 0002897: [Refactoring] Change timer to 10+(N-2)s, applicable from 2nd launch (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002877: [Bug] Snag window briefly shows "continue" before "20" (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.0.4 (Released 2015-07-04)


- 0002884: [New Feature] Driver detection shall be in log file (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002914: [Bug] Drivers with no version shall be filtered out (and logged) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002909: [Bug] Check operation indicated as "succesful" in log in case of total failure (network cable unplugged) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
DUMo - 2.0.5 (Released 2015-07-19)


- 0002920: [Bug] Weird display (column shrinked) is main server not available at startup (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002935: [Refactoring] Update of "invalid licence" message (due to revocation machanism) (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.
- 0002986: [Bug] "Premium pack" licence not accepted by DUMo (Kyle_Katarn) - resolved.

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Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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