Your Predictions?

Perris Calderon

Staff member
Political Access
24 Jan 2002

just remembered last night, predicting solid state hard drives being the biggest boon to computing, also so much more memory per box, all os's addressing more then 4 gigs, stuff like that, wanted to dig it up to see if my memory was accurate

not to shabby, posted back in 2004

post: 7766
by the time longhorn is ready, nobody has any idea how far our hardware will have progressed, all we can do is guess

I expect no box will be sold with less then 2 gigs of memory...I also expect a breakthrough in memory technology...hopefully in hardrive technology, and this will be the greatest boon, if this can get to solid state.

[QUOTE="Perris Calderon, post: 840072]
I think the next great os will be a hybrid, solid state hardrive with mechanical storage to populate memory when the os boots.

so I suppose it's time to predict the computing future again, please contribute, I'll get to a few myself, unless all of mine are claimed before I post
If anyone else wants to contribute, we'll take the best or most likely predications , consolidate into one panel and post it on the front page to get some traffic.

So I'll kick this off with some pretty obvious prediction;

First, ssd's are already almost obsolete!

Yup, true, everyone's working on "universal memory" volatile memory will be a luxury, though it will almost definitely be used for onboard cpu cache

Universal memory, simply put, is non volatile memory as fast as volatile, we can speculate volatile will always be faster even if non volatile catches up to today's standards, that's why I said volatile memory will be a luxury, where the speed difference isn't worth the price, maybe used for cache, but the hardrive will be fast enough that processors and operating systems will be designed to use the hard drive directly

This is a safe prediction since intel is already promoting what I believe is universal memory with their "optane"

So a little more aggressive prediction will be an elimination of screens for personal computing, they're going to be projected onto a table, or possible we'll carry around a fold out panel that the screen is projected.

Mouse movements will be virtual, same as you play your air guitar

The palm of your hand is going to be the interface for your phone

I've got some more, I'll add them to future responses and then consolidate into one post when done
My next prediction, which is kind of easy riffing off of universal memory, processors will have to be designed to take info directly from the hard drive, which I believe intel's xeon will do, but;

when universal storage pervades, see a complete re-write of the operating systems memory manager to more closely reflect a real time memory environment

I also predict computers will go from multi core processors to actual multiple processors possibly those multo core, and all will hub directly on top of the universal hard drive to address latency
Quantum computing
I've heard about this, am out of theory both physics and operating systems, could you give me a lay persons beakdown, and what we're waiting on?

I'll feature it right on the front page if you want, I'm trying to get traffic back here, that will help I'm sure
Maybe i've been living too long on the back-end infrastructure world, but the desktop enthusiast world doesn't seem to be nearly as big as it used to be. The world is moving to the cloud and away from desktops. Outside of gaming, I don't see a whole lot of innovation happening on anything on-prep (desktop/laptop/server/storage/etc).
Maybe i've been living too long on the back-end infrastructure world, but the desktop enthusiast world doesn't seem to be nearly as big as it used to be. The world is moving to the cloud and away from desktops. Outside of gaming, I don't see a whole lot of innovation happening on anything on-prep (desktop/laptop/server/storage/etc).

That's a good point fitze, once I replaced my laptop as soon as the battery wore out, now, I'm on like my 7th year for my old amd quadcore, and frankly, I prefer it over my newer envy dual core, even though the envy has twice the memory.

Computer specs typically exceed the users needs, Improvements just aren't going to affect us a much

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Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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