What are you listening to?



Yep is on another forum, but hey start ours here also!

Lap Dance - Lee Harvey, Nerd.
I'm trying NOT to listen to da voices inside me head. :D

Myela Heeeee. Myela Hooooo. Meyela Huuuuuu. Myela Hah Hah!!!

Myela Heeeee. Myela Hooooo. Meyela Huuuuuu. Myela Hah Hah!!!

Myela Heeeee. Myela Hooooo. Meyela Huuuuuu. Myela Hah Hah!!!

Trocadero - Blood Gulch Blues (from Red Vs. Blue soundtrack) at this very moment in time
bill cosbey stand up on hoof and mouth kbhvlkjadbgvljkavbklagvb so damn funny
I'm listening to a relay call ... the only thing worse than a relay call is ANY other call from ANY other customer. God I hate my job!!
Tenacious D - The Greatest Song in the World Tribute
TittleBitties said:
Tenacious D - The Greatest Song in the World Tribute
the song is called tribute, no the greatest song in the world, thats just part of the lyrics :rolleyes:
i know mafia but thats what they called it when i downloaded it.
Faith No More - The Real Thing...
it just changed to Outkast - Hey Ya

As a whole, I've been listening to Theory of a Deadman, Shinedown, 3 Doors Down, Silvertide, Thornley and Ray Charles a lot lately...
Bluetones- picked up thier CD catalogue in a slae, just being amazed on how much I've missed since their debut way back then :)
Good choice, Lee.

I'm listening to Nightwish at the moment, the song is Ever Dream at this current point in time.

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Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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