Official WOW Thread


Staff member
Political Access
21 Mar 2002
Am I allowed to make one of these 'official' threads? Anyway, I thought it would be good to start putting people's thoughts on the new World of Warcraft expansion together on one thread, and as it's not out yet, outlining what's in-store!

Amazon have the following details listed:

An increase in the level cap to 70
Two new playable races, including the magical Blood Elves
New starting zones in Quel'Thalas and beyond
The entire new continent of Outland, reachable through the Dark Portal
Many new high-level dungeons to explore in Azeroth, Outland, and elsewhere
New flying mounts in Outland
Many new and dangerous monsters, including epic world bosses
Hundreds of new quests
Hundreds of new items
A new profession: Jewelcrafting
Socketed items

I think it'll be cool to have 2 new races, the Blood Elves in particular look cool. Also, the Alliance will be able to play as a Shaman with the new Dreneie race, and the Horde will be able to play as a Paladin with the Blood Elves.

Flying mounts sound like an excellent idea, though I think you'll have to be level 70 which will take FOREVER, and also I think they can sadly only be used on the new continent.

What do other people think? I think it could be quite cool, and although I cancelled my subscription ages ago I think I'll renew it for a couple of months just to play this! :)
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

All my tier 2 will be useless.
Hunters finally got a buff tho ;)
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

All my tier 2 will be useless.
Hunters finally got a buff tho ;)

Useless is not the right way of thinking of it... you have a leg up on those people who do not have the TIER two and any clan/guild worth their weight will recognize that those of you who DO, should have first dibs on items in the new spaces...

I dont lay anymore, sadly my fiancee couldnt take me "wasting" hours on end on a game she doesnt get it...


I have a 60 orc shaman with approx 3k gold 2 epics in the Stonerender gauntlets and helm of narv...

I will be selling the account soon so if any of you would like to have a 60 shammy I will let you all have first dibs...

I dont want to make money rather to break even on the cost of the cahracter and the gold...

offers? PM me...
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

It gives us a head start for the first few levels of the game, that is all.
It isn't why I play tho, loot comes as you play.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Am I allowed to make one of these 'official' threads? Anyway, I thought it would be good to start putting people's thoughts on the new World of Warcraft expansion together on one thread:)

ray, a member in your standing you can not only start an official thread, we're gonna give it the first game sticky and see if we can get some gaming action over here to osnn

now go out and commit pimpage
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Hehe thank you Perris! Very kind words indeed, I'm flattered :eek:

I also found out some more information here on the official site about the limited 'Collector's Edition' of the expansion, which features a load of related stuff like a book and mousemat, and also an exclusive in-game pet, though it doesn't appear (thankfully) that buying this edition will bring any actual in-game advantages. I say thankfully because I don't think it's a good idea for MMORPGs to give advantages to people who pay more.

I don't think I shall be opting for the limited version as it is supposedly going to cost a fair bit more than the standard version. So far the cheapest I've seen it for pre-order online is £17.99 at both and, and the most expensive is £29.99 at I find it strange that amazon lists the full RRP as £29.99 (which is corroborated by the price) but lists £19.99 as the full RRP, though they both appear to be the standard version. Obviously if it turns out that Amazon are offering the collector's edition for the same price that play are offering the standard edition then I'll get it from Amazon!
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I've been trying to get a collector's edition for months. When it came out on the Blizzard site, it was sold out before I could even buy one. If I don't see CEs soon, I'll probably head out to a local Walmart at like 4 in the morning to pick one up early.

As for item scaling ... I have Naxx gear and for all intensive purposes, if you have Naxxramas gear, you'll be wearing all of it until late 60s ... even at 70, you will still be wearing set pieces of your gear until dungeon epics.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I tried to pick a CE up at Walmart at 4am and it was already sold out. I picked up a copy and will install it when I get home. I probably won't see much of a change because my highest level is only a 23.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Mine was waiting for me at home yesterday, so installed and waited for midnight.
Server crashed once on the normal portal side, played for an hour or so.

Is gonna take me ages to get to 70 :)
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Woot, installing it now. It was probably a waste of money for me because I don't have any level 60s
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Sorry I decided to keep my shammy as I may move him from one world to another so as to have more fun with EPICS and end game content...

Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Woot, installing it now. It was probably a waste of money for me because I don't have any level 60s

I know the feeling!

Did anyone get hold of the collector's edition?
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Gah, I hate grinding :eek:
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Usually when I am grinding, I will just put some music on and concentrate more on the music than the grinding itself. It helps. I also prefer to go with a friend (not group, just go together) and grind there. It makes it easier if you have someone to talk back and forth with. I grinded all through lvl 37 in the shimmering flats that way. Sure, it took all day, but it was more fun.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Blood Elf Paladins for the win! Mine rocks the socks.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I have to say that after playing it for a couple of weeks with both sides (a lev 20 shaman on Shadowmoon, also the home of my lev 60 hunter, and a lev 14 so far on Agricourn or whatever its called) I think that the expansion feels well done and integrates the classes well with the horde / alliance.

Both start island sets are done well as well, although I think the Blood Elves might be a bit undead heavy in terms of quests - understandable as they are right next to the Scourge, but still.

If anyone wants to hook up on either of those Europe servers my 60 hunter on shadowmoon is called Nizurel and my lev 14 Blood Elf on Agricourn is called Mazar.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I got my Night Elf Hunter to a 70, but then deleted it and started all over. It got really boring going into every town, every forest and seeing the levels of the creatures grayed out(in other words, you won't gain XP if they are grayed out),
and I had done all of the instances, from the Deadmines in Westfall, to SFK, to Sapphiro'ns Lair.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

Well, I still have a lev 60 hunter parked in the alliance town, and I am trying to level up my lev 20 nighelf paladin / 20 alliance shaman.

That's why I am taking the casual plodding route, so I won't use up the content quickly.
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I am at level 52 now. If there is anyone on Eitrigg, look for Carbault :D
Re: Official WOW - The Burning Crusade Thread

I'm level 52 now too, though I'm on Silvermoon. Look me up as Thezero :)

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Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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