News Microsoft Windows 10 turns five years old

Neowin has posted a great retrospective on Windows 10 which turned 5 years old this week, or yesterday specifically.

That is actually a long time, if you also consider that Windows 8 was only released 7 years ago (tomorrow) and even then wasn't something I switched to until the release of 8.1 a year later - very content with Windows 7 which is now considered end of life by Microsoft and soon if not already by many popular applications.

You could argue not much has changed in terms of the looks, Windows 10 has a very unmistakable style over both Windows 7 and 8 but there have been many new versions given silly seasonal names with a huge number of iterations via the Insider program.

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Give the article a read and you will actually see how much has actually changed, with nearly every part of the operating system getting some attention at some time or another. Members of the product team have never been more accessible on reddit or Twitter either so it is always a shame when releases are tarnished by the smallest of bugs, especially when those bugs lead to blocks and serious problems for users.

Source Windows 10 is five years old - here's how it's evolved

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Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Rest in peace my friend, been trying to find you and finally did in the worst way imaginable.
Terrahertz Electronic Punk Terrahertz wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Yo fellas!
Electronic Punk Sazar Electronic Punk wrote on Sazar's profile.
Where are you buddy?
Perris Calderon Electronic Punk Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
Hey EP! All good with me, applying for Microsoft MVP right now, should have done this a while ago.

Notifications don't work, I only found your response by coming back to hunt up some threads, if you want, give me your email address so we can keep in touch easier!
Perris Calderon Electronic Punk Perris Calderon wrote on Electronic Punk's profile.
EP, glad to see you come back and tidy up...did want to ask a one day favor, I want to enhance my resume , was hoping you could make me administrator for a day, if so, take me right off since I won't be here to do anything, and don't know the slightest about the board, but it would be nice putting "served administrator osnn", if can do, THANKS

Been running around Quora lately, luv it there!

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