Movie Review: Inception


Mr. Bananagrabber
Political Access
12 Jan 2006
Hey Everyone,
I just got back from a previewing of Inception, long friggin movie let me tell you (although it doesn't feel long while your in the movie). This is a confusing movie by all means, after sitting through it I am still uncertain on quite a few things and the ending doesn't help to solidify anything you saw in the movie. That being said, this was worth my time, the action in the movie was pretty fantastic with quite a few explosions and a good deal of gun fire. Leonardo is nothing short of spectacular in this movie, summoning his talent from his other great movies such as "Catch Me If You Can" and "The Departed". Joseph Gordon-Levitt does a good job as well, I like him in the sly role that he plays in Inception, where together with Leonardo he can control people's dreams.
As I said before this movie was very confusing, and you should like it if: (1)You like puzzle movies that you try and figure out (2) You are awake (3) you have no distractions or (4) you don't care about the plot and just want to see a trippy action flick. As long as you keep track of key details in the movie (like how long a dream world lasts compared to the real world), or what a specific "Totem" does in the real world then you should be able to follow along with the movie without too much trouble.
Finally, let me get to the ending...
I won't tell you any specifics as to not ruin it, but let me simply say that you will have your own opinion as to what the final shot in the movie represents. As far as I'm concerned the director intended the ending to have that effect on people, and for that I grant him Kudos.
All in all, I would definitely see Inception, its one of those movies that you simply must see, it was mind boggling and exhilarating and certainly not boring. I saw it in a regular sized premium movie theatre (albeit with amazing sound) and I enjoyed it very much, have heard it will be in IMAX theatres and I suppose it would be better there but I'm not into the whole IMAX thing so I can't honestly judge. I do say, go see Inception.

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Thanks for the review, I'm seeing it this weekend. I can't wait!
It would no longer be confusing once you understand the theory of Lucid Dreaming. You can find research information about it at wikipedia, Lucid dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The director, Mr Christopher Nolan, started having the Lucid dream idea when he was 16 years old, and took 9 years to formulate and perfect this movie script. The story is based on the concept and theory of Lucid dreaming, but he added in a fair share of fiction to bring those heighten sense to us. The theory of dreamscaping (or dream sharing) is not yet proven but is vivid in this movie.

After understanding Lucid, you will get to appreciate the fine details of INCEPTION much better :)
It would no longer be confusing once you understand the theory of Lucid Dreaming. You can find research information about it at wikipedia, Lucid dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The director, Mr Christopher Nolan, started having the Lucid dream idea when he was 16 years old, and took 9 years to formulate and perfect this movie script. The story is based on the concept and theory of Lucid dreaming, but he added in a fair share of fiction to bring those heighten sense to us. The theory of dreamscaping (or dream sharing) is not yet proven but is vivid in this movie.

After understanding Lucid, you will get to appreciate the fine details of INCEPTION much better :)
Meh, I don't know... It was confusing because it moved pretty quickly, it didn't take me long to remember or figure out all the levels and keep track of the time difference etc. If dream sharing were possible, who would live in the real world? (Which I guess is a major point of the movie then isn't it?)
It would no longer be confusing once you understand the theory of Lucid Dreaming. You can find research information about it at wikipedia, Lucid dream - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The director, Mr Christopher Nolan, started having the Lucid dream idea when he was 16 years old, and took 9 years to formulate and perfect this movie script. The story is based on the concept and theory of Lucid dreaming, but he added in a fair share of fiction to bring those heighten sense to us. The theory of dreamscaping (or dream sharing) is not yet proven but is vivid in this movie.

After understanding Lucid, you will get to appreciate the fine details of INCEPTION much better :)
interesting first post, will definately read that link before I see this flick

vanquished, great write up, made me decide to see this pronto
I watched this movie during a matinee today and this movie is right up there with Kick-Ass as my movie of the year.

The movie feels somewhat familiar if you have seen Shutter Island (Leo's other recent "thriller") but you soon lose that familiarity as the excellent actors all work their way through a multitude of webs (or threads, or layers) and take you along for the ride.

There is not much you can say without giving away the premise of the movie so I will stop at saying that the pacing of the movie is excellent. The direction is top notch. The acting is top notch. The music is over-bearing, but in a good way and I loved every moment of the score. The story is brilliant and worthy of applause at the end.

This is an INTELLIGENT movie. I don't mean to put anyone down, but those who think the Twilight movies are classics are better served staying at home and stabbing themselves through their eyeballs. Inception demands your attention most of the way and while it is a long movie (about 2.5 hrs), it doesn't feel that long (at least to me).

Go in without expectations of Shyamalan-like twists and you will be satisfied. Someone with an open mind is perfect for the movie.

4.5/5 Stars. Highly recommended.
Wait the twilight movies are classics? Since when did we become 14 year old girls? Come on Saz, give us a little credit. :)
This movie was absolutely fantastic, as the others have mentioned the acting is awesome and it is definitely Ellen Page at her best. Leonardo DiCaprio off course does an excellent job.

I knew what was going to happen from the start (the previews in this case did give away too much ... as the movie progressed I knew what the movie was about and how it would end), but the movie came through.

This movie is definitely not for people that don't have any attention span and don't have at least a basic idea of psychology and how the human mind can play tricks on itself. The plot was not nearly as confusing to follow as that of Primer and I felt it pretty easy to keep track of.

Would I see it again? Yes, and no, I will not be seeing it again in theatres, I feel that this movie cannot be watched in quick succession like some others, it would ruin the entire point of the movie. This movie I will definitely put on my NetFlix too watch list for when it comes out on DVD or even later than that.

I will note that the high school aged girls sitting next to me were unable to follow the plot throughout the movie and kept talking to each other to try to figure out what was going on; this movie is not for everyone.

Do I recommend it for more technically inclined people? Yes. For people that just want an action flick? No, the action is amazing and there is much action in the movie it won't carry the movie by itself unless you also understand the intricacies of the plotline.

5/5 stars.
saw this movie tonight and loved it even though much of it was revealed before the I went

I do take issue with everyone's assesment of dicaprio's performance, I thought he didn't get organic till 3/4 through the film...I thouhght his lines were forced, you could almost see his stomach muscles clenching as he was forcing through emotion

that's just me though, I guess I always have something to say unless it's a star trek movie

loved everyone else's performance though, one of my fav flicks in the past few years I must say
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Loved it. Truly great all around, the acting, the direction and Nolan's screenplay were all incredible. And that ending ... It still has me thinking. I have a few thoughts... Don't click below if you haven't seen it.

seriously.. don't
Suit yourself ... Here goes: 1. The top fell and he was back with his family. The movie made it clear that time in the dream world is vastly different from time in the real world, which explains why his kid's don't look too much older. After all, we don't know how long he was gone. 2. The top kept spinning, but who cares all he wanted was his family. 3. If the top kept spinning whose dream is he in? In my eye's, maybe he's the one who killed himself and he's in Mal's dream or maybe they are both still in limbo. I base that on the thought that the top was Mal's totem, she put it in the safe, so why does Cobb have it? I'm not sure on that last one, I'll need to see it again to further that theory

5/5 stars... easily the best I've seen this year, I love a film that makes you think!
Loved it. Truly great all around, the acting, the direction and Nolan's screenplay were all incredible. And that ending ... It still has me thinking. I have a few thoughts... Don't click below if you haven't seen it.

seriously.. don't
Suit yourself ... Here goes: 1. The top fell and he was back with his family. The movie made it clear that time in the dream world is vastly different from time in the real world, which explains why his kid's don't look too much older. After all, we don't know how long he was gone. 2. The top kept spinning, but who cares all he wanted was his family. 3. If the top kept spinning whose dream is he in? In my eye's, maybe he's the one who killed himself and he's in Mal's dream or maybe they are both still in limbo. I base that on the thought that the top was Mal's totem, she put it in the safe, so why does Cobb have it? I'm not sure on that last one, I'll need to see it again to further that theory

5/5 stars... easily the best I've seen this year, I love a film that makes you think!
his kids are even in the same cloths as when he left, he's been gone less then a day in the time signature these children are living whether or not they are living in real time

this means the entire movie sequence is a handful of hours not the years indicated in the dream state
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