Ie6 and Java Pop-ups



I've read some posts relating to a similar problem but mine seems specifically related to pop-up windows that are generated by a Java script. The New window appears but is blank and then I get an error message and IE6 closes down.
It has only been happening for a couple of weeks and may also be related to something I downloaded from Microsoft.(Not sure)

I have applied some solutions provided by this forum relating to url's not opening in new windows etc but thus far nothing has worked.

Any advice would be appreciated.

(My solution atm is to Use Netscape on sites I know IE6 will crash on.)


I know this may sound silly, but have you tried re-installing your Java Virtual Machine. If not, try downloading the package from microsoft rather than lettting IE6 install it. That way you can do a re-install if it get damaged by the updates.
Hope this helps

Thanks for your assistance but I had already installed the Microsoft VM again just last week.


sun java

Yes I use the sun java plugin but I found something weird I use the 1.3.1_01 and everything is fine if I upgrade that to the newer version I cant play yahoo games now maybe its me and my set up but just in case I would like to hear feedback on sun java plugins anyone else having trouble with the newer version?? 1.3.1_01 works great btw.......... :cool:

I've tried to install an earlier version of Java but the problem is still there.

The problem surfaces only the webpage javascript calls for a new window to open.
Problem Fixed

Go to the Start menu, then Run and type in

regsvr32 urlmon.dll

then click OK

this will register the dll file, then it should work :rolleyes:

Hope that fixes it

Thanks again for the advice but I have been down that road and used that command to no effect. I just wish I could remember what was altered in My system to cause this, as it has only been doing it for about 2 weeks now.


Have you tried a system restore?

Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore

Then you can restore your system back to how it was before the problem started.

Also, I don't know if you have tried, but see if you can repair IE6 from the add/remove programs. If it's not there go to Program Files\Internet Explorer\Setup and run setup.exe.

Hope that helps


Cannot install IE6 again as it detects the newer version and ends the installation.

I disabled system restore


Edit : After running some simple tests with parent and child windows on my PC - it appears the error returning to me is that the specified module cannot be found on a particular line.......

It would seem that it is the module that was in the script.

"<button onclick="'child.htm', 'newwin', 'width=700,height=500')">Open a child window</button> "
Not sure if you can do it or not, but try running the IE setup and try to add/remove components or repair install, and see if you can remove the MS JVM and reinstall it. Also, make sure you search the microsoft knowledge base for a solution for's very possible it's a known bug.
I haven't been able to find anywhere to repair IE6 and I certainly cannot re-install IE6 without re-installing XP.
I've looked into the Microsoft Knowledge base and there appears to be a problem similar to mine but there is no fix that I can get at this point.;en-us;Q314209

I couldn't even get the text to appear on the child window so this is where the problem differs.


I'll probably reinstall Xp sometime soon anyway - it's starting to fill up with Junk.


You need to re-register the following 6 dll files:

regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll
regsvr32 Shell32.dll
regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

That should sort it out for you.

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